PKF Academy

Home PKF Academy Navigating the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS 2)

Navigating the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS 2)



Course Start Date


Course description


Date: 26th November 2024
Time: 16:30pm - 19:30pm
Location: Online
Price: €40 incl VAT
Payment: Online payment or bank transfer





A Theoretical & Practical Insight

This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the European Union's recently updated directive – the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS 2). NIS 2 significantly expands the scope and strengthens cybersecurity requirements for various sectors critical to the European Union's economy and society.

Through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, and real-world scenarios, you'll gain a thorough understanding of:

  • Key provisions of NIS 2: Explore the directive's core elements, including risk management, incident reporting, supply chain security, and information sharing.
  • Expanded sectoral scope: Identify the new sectors and entities subject to NIS 2 compliance, including energy, waste management, transportation, and postal services.
  • Enhanced risk management: Learn best practices for identifying, assessing, and mitigating cyber risks across your organization's network and information systems.
  • Incident reporting requirements: Master the process for timely and effective reporting of cybersecurity incidents to competent authorities.
  • Supply chain security measures: Discover strategies for managing cyber risks associated with third-party vendors and suppliers.
  • Information sharing mechanisms: Understand the importance of collaboration and information exchange among stakeholders in the NIS 2 ecosystem.

Course Outline and Benefits

This course is designed for professionals across various critical sectors, including IT security specialists, risk managers, compliance officers, and executives.

Benefits of Attending this Course:

    • Become informed on NIS 2 directive: Gain in-depth knowledge of the directive's requirements and implications.
    • Ensure compliance for your organization: Develop strategies to meet the enhanced cybersecurity standards mandated by NIS 2.
    • Effectively manage cyber incidents: Master the process for identifying, reporting, and responding to cybersecurity incidents.
    • Navigate the expanded scope: Understand how NIS 2 applies to your specific sector and its impact on your organization.
    • Build effective risk management strategies: Develop a comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating cyber risks throughout your supply chain.


More info

Course Details          

Upon completing the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance.

Cancellation of Courses by PKF Academy:

For each course, there will be a minimum level of attendees. If this minimum is not achieved PKF Academy reserves the right to either
i) cancel the course
ii) postpone it to a later date or
iii) it might decide to still hold the course in agreement with the trainer.

The attendees will be informed about such cancellations before course commencement. In the case of course cancellation from PKF's side, the full participation fee shall be paid back to the fully paid-up registrants.

We're here to help!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at or call us at 21484373. 

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