Jimy Cruz
Professional Experience
Jimy Cruz holds a degree in Economics from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. He has
studies in Business Analysis and Valuation from the London School of Economics and Political
Science in London and completed a master’s degree in philosophy and social Sciences from ITESO
(Jesuit University of Guadalajara).
Jimy Cruz has served for more than 25 years as a consultant economist for national and multinational groups and also for governments. Currently and since 2011 he is a partner of PKF Mexico and a leader in consulting and financial services such as a debt structuring and valuation of projects, business and intangibles.
He has a strong specialization in transfer pricing in regional and global documentation projects, dispute resolution, advance pricing agreements (APA), competent authority procedures and in general defense of audits.
Previously, he served as lead partner of Transfer Pricing and Dispute Resolution at BDO Mexico in
2010. From 2004 to 2010 He worked as Senior Manager at Ernst & Young where he had the
opportunity to lead projects of high technical and financial profile, primarily for Fortune 500
Jimy Cruz co-founded the Transfer Pricing group at Baker & McKenzie in 2000 and collaborated with
the Mexico City, Juárez, Chicago, New York, Palo Alto, Bogotá and Caracas offices carrying out
projects for leading companies in the region. He began his professional career at KPMG in 1997 and
during 1998 he was transferred to the Miami office of that Firm where he worked on projects for large companies with operations in Latin America.
He has been a speaker and lecturer at multiple forums in Mexico, Latin America, Europe, Asia,
Canada and the United States. He is a frequent columnist and commentator in print and electronic media. In 2009 he was appointed as the first Coordinator of the Transfer Pricing Commission of the National College of Economists.