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bitpod-Webinar #2 – Reasonable Suspicion – A basic understanding for Designated Non-Financial Businesses (DNFBs) with Philip Bugeja

We welcome you to view our bitpod-Webinar #2 – Reasonable Suspicion – A basic understanding for Designated Non-Financial Businesses (DNFBs) by Philip Bugeja. 

"You don't know your client until he starts transacting" - Philip Bugeja, AML consultant"

About the speaker:  Philip currently serves as an independent consultant and is a specialist in the prevention of financial crime, Bribery and Corruption, Risk, Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. 

He was involved within the financial crime unit with a large European bank and has also been appointed to conduct the audit reports on a number of ICO's and Exchanges seeking financial services. Philip also served as head of compliance and MLRO for an international law company. 

Philip is a sought after advisory for a number of companies setting up operations and assisting the AML/CFT functions during licensing in Malta, London, and Hong Kong.

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