- Audit & Accountancy Services
- Advisory Services
Legal Services
- Citizenship and Immigration Opportunities
- Remote Gaming in Malta
- Aviation
- Shipping
- Back Office Services
- Trust Registration
- Management Buy Outs and Buy-ins
- Blockchain Solutions Portfolio
- bitpod: About
- bitpod: Podcasts
bitpod: Webinars
- bitpod webinar #1 – Excellence in Detecting and Preventing Insider Fraud Threats by Ian Ross
- bitpod-Webinar #2 – Reasonable Suspicion – A basic understanding for Designated Non-Financial Businesses (DNFBs) with Philip Bugeja
- Webinar #3 - Jonathan Ferris - AML Compliance - Dissecting the Cornerstone
- Webinar #4 – Present-day CDD – the only constant is change with Damian Mifsud
- Webinar #5 - Transaction Monitoring & Learning to Slow Dance with Machines - Dr Vince Vella
- Webinar #6 - Instacoins - Test-running the Blockchain island - Adrian Kreter
- Webinar #7 Transaction Monitoring & Learning to Slow Dance with Machines Part ll
Network News
- Will the UK brand us as a ‘green’ country?
- Herd immunity is a precursor to normality
- Pencil buildings, inflation and elections
- MoneyVal – the perseverance of a contrite nation
- Wanted – a Covid passport to travel
- Rise of a digital Yuan currency
- An ode to Tal-Wej necropolis in Mosta
- Legal Notice 199 of 2021
- Workers well-being – an antidote to Covid deprivations
- Election blues, elderly homes and mechanisms
- A UBI policy to fight poverty streams
- Of all COVID-19 measures, touch deprivation could be a problem
- After the largesse, expect taxes to balance debt
- Be careful what you wish for
- A look at Malta’s cannabis white paper
- 2021 – Possibly a year of a general election?
- 2021 – the year of the raging bull
- SoftBank breaks free from a troubled year
- The post-Covid renaissance czar
- The saga of a Blockchain island
- Moneyval – redemption in sight
- Universal Basic Income (UBI) – a theme which resurfaces during pandemic
- Mysterious cart tracks at Tal-Wej need conservation
- Suggested amendments to the Petroleum Act
- The plague that killed millions
- UK announces a strong recovery budget
- Measures to alert creditors of future ‘Priceclub’ company failures
- Let the sunshine in
- Blockchain, Bitcoin and VFA saga
- A cumbersome yet practical monorail solution
- Let us talk about DAC6
- Post Covid-19: Taking the bull by its horns
- MFSA: Retooling, not old wine in new bottles
- Unicorns, AI and the quest for new vaccines
- A look at international COVID-19 rescue packages
- Rolling out immunity passports activates foreign travel
- Bitcoin – Volatility Equals Opportunity
- Beefing public transport with a monorail facility
- Killing emissions using driverless electric cars
- Debating government financial intervention during a pandemic
- Can COVID-19 mutate into a more lethal variant?
- Biden – The dawn of a new era, unmasking populism
- Is Malta a laggard in fighting climate change?
- Is climate change stupid?
- The reform of business recovery laws
- Golden passports: When the dirt hits the fan
- Will 2021 see new transfer pricing rules?
- The Creation of Shipping and Aviation Cell Companies
- 2050: travel to the future show progress in wellbeing
- Festive season – a ride on the travel machine
- COVID-19: the Grinch who stole Christmas
- Facebook rebranded Libra as Diem
- Malta welcomes another EU aid package
- A Renaissance in the hospitality sector
- Redemption: leading the path to normality
- Vaccine – a magical butterfly of hope
- Tourism: A challenge for Clayton Bartolo
- Budget 2021 – adventures into AI
- A commuting nightmare to boot
- Retooling the MFSA
- Post COVID-19: Prescribing A Cure For The Hotel Sector
- FIAU Notice: Publication Of Revised Version Of The Implementing Procedures (Applicable To All Subject Persons) – Part I
- Malta unmasked
- Current Drone Legal Framework
- EU moves to shut down Malta Passport by Investment Program
- Budget 2021: Wheeling the ship of state
- The pain and pleasure of working from home
- The resurgence of crypto exuberance
- An ode to transfer pricing
- Clock ticking for a Brexit talks rapture
- PKF releases Worldwide Tax Guide 2020-21
- End of silly season heightens an expectation of a COVID vaccine
- New Worldwide Tax Guide Published By PKF International Out Now
- Drafting a COVID recovery – free markets, government intervention, monetarism or bust?
- COVID recovery – a fiscal remedy is smarter than cash handouts
- Act XXXII Of 2020: How Can An Estate Agent Become Licensed?
- After bailing out the hospitality sector, should banks follow?
- Cannabis-Infused Products The Future Of The European Market?
- The fate of the furloughed force
- Hard Brexit means no deal?
- A watershed of EU funds over the next seven years
- A landmark court decision in favour of Apple
- Bright ideas needed to help business recover
- Gearing Up For New Screening Measures For FDI
- Post-COVID Tourism new wine in old bottles
- New filters how to screen FDI into Europe
- Next Malta summit to embrace AI evangelists
- The long and short of it: Moneyval’s report on Malta
- EU freedom principles and proportionality clause
- A minimum tax on multinationals – can Malta benefit?
- Digital manufacturing: a renaissance
- A bullish rally in the property market
- MCESD – What are the chances of attracting multinationals?
- Blockchain, Fintech and VFA revolution
- The myth of digital nomads
- Commentary on retail and office market
- Tackling Asia: Re-igniting the connection
- Sherlock Holmes investigates a case of vanishing workers
- The future is now: The astonishing growth of AI
- Wistfully riding on a tiger
- Delta variant and workers’ shortage
- US Economy and Politics – where are they headed?
- Success Story of PKF Fasselt’s China Desk - A Role Model
- Malta Budget Highlights 2022
- Recovery and Resilience Fund – a treasure chest
- Covid Grinch may steal Christmas this year
- What is causing prices to rise in Europe?
- Distinguishing our dame of high esteem
- Tackling the different aspects of Cyber Law
- Free market or state-targeted price interventions
- Can tiny Malta be a significant player in climate change?
- 50 darker shades of listing
- Malta’s Exclusive Economic Zone and its huge economic potential
- Amendments to the Companies Act (Act LX of 2021)
- Is Europe heading towards a strong recovery?
- A 10-year vision of land reclamation
- How strong will the US emerge from the global COVID crisis?
- The UK’s Trust Register
- The Proportionality Test under Chapter 612 of the Laws of Malta
- A lawyer’s perspective: COVID and restrictions on freedom of movement
- Artificial Intelligence to our rescue.
- PKF helps Ukraine refugees settling in hotels
- Can Malta generate renewable energy on Hurds bank?
- Proposed EU Commission directive on shell companies
- Will 2022 be a year of innovation?
- Have you filed for DAC6?
- 2030: A travelogue cautions us to be contrite
- A new year resolution to upgrade education
- Malta-denied opportunities for oil and gas
- 2022-a year of challenges for hospitality sector
- 2025 - a travelogue paints moods change in lifestyles
- Is the underground economy thriving?
- A vat reduction for restaurants and hotels
- Recounting a tale of inequality, vanishing workers and tax
- Inequality, poverty and redemption
- An invitation to meet virtually on Metaverse
- Oil hitting $100, Ukraine crisis and business recovery
- Omicron, stress and mental health
- Omicron, Delta and the office rental market
- Mental well-being and the impact of Covid
- Is eating out still affordable?
- An initiation to champagne and caviar tourism
- Paradise regained - a gas pipeline to Italy
- Kicking the can down the road
- Alice compares and contrasts budgets on offer
- A Willy Wonka 2022 budget exercise
- Why Malta urgently needs to digitalise court records.
- Pope Francis’s visit to Malta, Bucha and climate change
- What is the ‘unshell’ directive?
- Down the rabbit hole: inflation, oil spikes and shortages
- Linking to the EastMed gas pipeline
- Is Malta ready for fintech?
- The evolving ecosystem of fintech
- Ukrainian war, poverty and perseverance
- Walking towards normality
- The advantages of green loans for SMEs – improving ESG credentials
- Solidarity, mental stress and inflation
- Switching to green hydrogen with zero emissions
- IGaming in Malta is now 20 years young
- Is tourism in the Med heading for a recovery?
- A Preliminary Market Consultation – Malta’s offshore opportunities
- Horror images of inflation lurk from the 70s
- Free bus transport and inflation woes
- Food insecurity is a worst fate than the pandemic
- Green hydrogen – a future solution to climate change
- An iGaming epiphany in Malta
- Edging towards normality
- ReFuelEU: Is flying about to get more sustainable?
- Malta – a trajectory for lower emissions
- Climate change, inflation and de-carbonisation
- Malta – attracting investment in offshore renewables
- Confidence and leadership the key to success.
- Making Malta ready for Fintech
- Kicking the can down the road
- NTF’s are hot to handle yet too savvy to ignore
- Reflections on factors hitting tourism
- Watch the blossoming of a tourism flower
- How Germany plans energy conversion to green hydrogen
- The ESG commitment – A challenge for all
- Mental Wellness at the workplace conference
- Parental leave: who pays for it?
- ‘Big in GIG’
- The true contribution of the construction industry
- Attracting visitors to an exciting race with dinosaurs
- An epitaph to Sophia the robot dancing the Blockchain dream
- Riding on a tiger carries with it grave dangers
- The enigma of affordability for first-time property buyers
- A Singapore in the Med
- Malta Budget – a prognosis of what to harvest
- Austerity follows Russian audacity to invade
- Will Air Malta’s bird fly again next year
- Cyprus discovers more offshore gas deposits
- Are we heading towards a recession?
- Appreciation: Carmel Cascun
- Is Malta ready for renewables and de-carbonisation?
- A tutorial from The Canterbury Tales
- The revered monarch is laid to rest
- PKF Malta promotes Malta in Vietnam and Australia
- Enter the Ethereum energy evolution
- Is monetary policy the best way to fight inflation?
- Malta Budget 2023: What to expect
- The steady progress of China’s digital currency
- PKF studies relationship between inflation and unemployment
- Can the finance minister lift the genie from its bottle?
- Autumn heralds an end to “silly season”
- Malta Budget Highlights 2023
- Global fiscal morality - a human rights and ESG issue
- Is Europe ready to fight fossil fuels?
- Re-Introducing “Pre-Insolvency”
- ESG in Malta: trends and prospects
- What causes a property bubble to burst?
- Anyone recall the slogan 'Think Small' now?
- When vices lead to nation prosperity
- SoftBank recovers, but US tech giants are shedding workers
- How Europe can change the economic model to make it sustainable
- MCESD - fledgling procurement rules
- When stress levels rise read ‘A Christmas Carol’ for deliverance
- Is eating out affordable?
- Inflation, abortion and a clean energy vision
- Reflections on latest Fiscal Advisory report
- Ensuring fiscal sustainability in a world of uncertainty
- An exciting journey towards renewables in Malta
- Will the UK ever return to the EU family?
- Climbing project Everest: Toning down market dominance of major auditors
- Irelands attracts top Chinese residency applications
- Will 2023 usher in a nationwide panacea?
- A country rich in serenity and wellness
- Investment migration: a reconsideration?
- Malta’s housing scene
- A PKF event on Renewals and de-carbonization
- Carlos Moreno - dreaming of our 15-minute city
- Is COLA adjustment enough to quash poverty?
- Announcing harm reduction associations - a novelty in Malta
- After the pandemic, a feel-good factor returns
- Is it time to officially recognise menstrual leave?
- The future of energy: Green Hydrogen
- PKF Malta to hold business conference on renewable energy and environmental sustainability
- Oil fortunes – our skeleton in the cupboard
- In the future will AI challenge our careers?
- Italy's economic struggle
- PKF Malta business conference on renewable energy, environmental sustainability
- Italy: fiscal probity, lower taxes and hydrogen
- Collapsing Banks
- PKF - a successful renewables and ESG conference
- Floating wonders, energy horizons and burning fossil fuels
- Wanted - tighter oversight on banks
- ESG remains at the top of our agenda
- PKF Malta announces business conference, focusing on the ‘S’ in ESG
- Many have very little to no idea what ‘ESG’ is, or what it is used for – Claudette Buttigieg
- Stepping into virtual or augmented reality
- Public sector in Malta experiences drop in absolute productivity as number of workers increases
- CfR Notice: YA 2023 Tax Return for Fiscal Units
- Scarcity of skilled workers everywhere
- MTA attracts more tourists
- Floating wonders
- Along with the sunshine
- The impacts of ESG materiality in the banking and financial industries
- The million-dollar tuna ranching sector
- PKF uses data analytics in financial advisory and auditing
- Needed - supportive legislation to host renewable energy generation
- Hydrogen cells, blackouts and a brighter future
- Machine learning practices into ESG strategy
- Malta’s healthcare expertise: A valuable export for Europe’s ageing population
- ESG Grant Scheme for SMEs
- Is Malta omitting its quest for green hydrogen?
- How to tame inflation and attract better visitors
- Is the engine to drive a Green deal sputtering?
- From fossil fuels to heat pumps
- With an election in sight, voters are being charmed
- Protecting sacred burial ground in Tal-Wej Mosta
- Beyond your dreams
- Business Advisory Services
- High interest rates and energy prices
- Malta Budget Highlights 2024
- A vision of fabless manufacturing projected in 2024 budget
- Money moves from tense areas
- At last, Malta desires to attract Unicorns
- A populist budget with a generous heart
- Governance in focus: Navigating ESG challenges
- Can Malta attract fabless business?
- PKF Malta appoints new associate partners, adding expertise and excellence to its leadership team
- Facing the challenges in COP28
- An RFP to receive competitive bids on a power purchase agreement
- Reducing stress levels when reading ‘A Christmas Carol’
- RES: Boundless possibilities, or hot air?
- Symbolism and themes in 'O Fortuna'
- Deductions in Respect of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights
- Circular on the Newly Published Accountancy Profession (General Accounting Principles in respect of certain Eligible Entities) Regulations, 2023 (Legal Notice 299 of 2023) (“GAPEE”)
- Newly introduced 12% reduced VAT rate
- CESOP: Malta transposes new EU law for Payment Service Providers (PSPs)
- Malta’s 2023 National Risk Assessment
- EU adopted Directive introducing tax transparency rules for crypto assets (DAC8)
- Malta braces for a higher economic model
- Publication by the IEA on renewables
- 2024 - the challenges of a fast economy
- Exciting news! 🎉 Introducing the brand new PKF Academy!
- EFRAG launches public consultation on sustainability reporting for SMEs
- The Informal Economy as portrayed in Malta’s NRA 2023
- MTCA guidelines for the application of 12% VAT rate on the hiring of pleasure boats
- Establishing and Classifying the Organisation Size
- Benefits of an extension of working age for retirees
- Igaming in Malta hosts giants like Flutter
- Power purchase agreements for net zero – Malta’s Green Horizon?
- AI - a sudden transformation of commerce
- Fiscal probity and good governance
- Dreaming of a true democracy - power to the Polis
- PKF joins US experts to accelerate local innovation
- Malta Enterprise Re-launch the Micro Invest Scheme
- PKF Malta Launches PKF Academy With Entire Portfolio Of Courses
- Malta Enterprise – Business Development Scheme
- Retrofit Scheme
- We can’t have it all: Growth vs quality of life
- Why are Barcelona and Venice controlling the tide of tourist arrivals
- New guidance issued on the VAT Exemption pertaining to other scheduled sea transport of passengers
- Amendments in VAT on Psychotherapy, Counselling and Dental professions
- MTCA: Guidance Note on IFRS 17
- One - Time Ex-Gratia Payment
- PKF Publications
- Events
Network News